Am I normal?
I was asked to do babysitting by a friend. I am very happy because she treats me like other people. I told myself, „look, you are normal!“. Wait, normal? Are people without kids not normal? WHY?! I am surprised where and why I have this thought. It is discrimination, like racialism, antisemitism, isn’t it? I asked myself serval times why I think I am not normal. No answer. It must come from somewhere, our culture? Our society? our family? We understand different culture, accept people who have different religions, who are from different countries, who have different sex orientation…. But, people without kids? They are often thought not normal, sensitive, or sometimes selfish…… Who can help us to fight for a fair understanding of our life style? No one will ask someone’s sex orientation, because we understand it is their life style. It is normal. But we will always be asked „ Do you have kids? Why don’t you have kids?“...